Blog post bonus: NW Trek

This is a River Otter, also called Lontra canadensis. It was located in the forest animals exibit. 

This is an Opossum, also called a Didelphimorphia. It was located on the side of a trail and with a trainer for a presentation. 

These are Racoons, also called a Procyon lotor. They were located in the forest animals section of the park. 

Before the trip I had not been to NW Trek before. I think the coolest thing that I saw during the visit was the opossum. She was so adorable and I really enjoyed getting a close look and learning more about them. There were many very intersting things that I learned during the trip which are that the animals there dont know that there are no predators so they still show predator aviodance behaviors, the mountain goats actually have a clear thick coat and not a white one, antlers can take 3-6 months to grow, and the black baby dear can stay still for up to six hours. My favorite part of the trip was the oppossum presentation. I do think that this trip is worth going on despite the distance because it creates a better learning eperience and it is very enjoyable. 


  1. Hi Selena,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I also really enjoyed the animal trailside encounter with the opossum. It was interesting to learn all about them . I found the fact that they store fat behind their eyeballs really interesting .


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