For this service learning blog post, I decided to participate Trashy Tuesday on the Edcc campus on October 24th. I worked for 2 hours the contact e-mail is phuong.pham@email.edcc.edu. Trashy Tuesday is a campus clean-up activity. The purpose of the activity is learning and understanding the pollution on the earth, and discuss how we can make a difference. The activity also tell us why it is so important that we do. In the began of the event, people had to group for three people. We spent an hour picking up trash around the campus with grabbers. I couldn't believe that there were a lot of garbage in our campus. I found a eaten apple outside the SQL building. The most garbage that we found was water bottle and shredded paper. Most of the garbage was clean and suitable for recycling. During an hour picking up trash. I found a group of lady bugs on the chair between MLT and Lynnwood building. The main color of the lady bugs is orange, some black spots on the body and two white spots on the head. I caught the moment that the lady bug extend the wings. After picking up trash, we watched some videos about the pollution on earth and how human destroy the earth.

I learned a lot from this experience. I picked up more than half of garbage bags of trash in campus. Before I participated Trashy Tuesday, I thought it would be a easy job because I didn't observed there are much trash in campus. After this event, I realized that if we want to recover and protect the earth and the habitats, we need to improve our bad habit, stopping littering, and develop recycling habits. I also learned that the plastic pollution is extremely terrible because plastic can not be decomposed in the ocean. Therefore, more and more plastic into the ocean will harm more and more marine organisms. Finally, a lot of marine organisms extinct.
1. How long does it take plastic to break down?
2.What can we do for plastic pollution in the Ocean?
3.Why plastic will harm for marine organisms?
4. Are there any organisms eat plastic?
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