Blog post #6 Pine Ridge Park

Sunny, cold, misty

Pine Ridge park is a well forested area, not quite as dense as a Meadowdale or a Carkeek Park, but there's no mistaking it for any other sort of landscape. The name "pine ridge" is apt, as the area has a very hilly landscape accompanied by many pines.

Unnamed pathogenic fungi
Rather hard fungi found on a dead log. Both growths were amorphous, making them hard to specifically identify. I chose this because it was the most non-traditional fungus I saw on the trip. 
Red Alder
Very long branches that extended horizontally. One assumes this is to catch as much sunlight as possible. I chose this tree because it's fairly common in the area and probably a good one to be able to identify easily. 
Small white berries clumped in groups of twos and threes. Small shrub, not extending past three feet tall. I chose this shrub because I had seen it on a different outing and didn't take the time to identify the first time. 
(sorry for the sheet music paper, my journal and original sketches are still with Gwen) 


  1. Hi Chet,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog post. It was interesting that you saws snowberries because in our group we could only find mulberry bushes. I also liked how you described how Pine Ridge was not and Hensley forested as Carkeek or some other park was.


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