October 27th Friday morning at 9:30am in Pine Ridge Park. It was very cold, but it was sunny and no rain during the field trip. Pine Ridge Park is more likely a forest. I saw many fungi in the park. I thought Pine Ridge Park has the most abundant fungi in the field trips that I had.

Sword Fern

  • Leaves evergreen, often sharp-toothed
  • each with a small lobe pointing forward at the bottom.

There is many Sword Fern in the Park.


  • Spirally arranged
  • Needles flat
  • 2-3 cm long

Douglas-Fir can grow to 70m tall (sometimes 80-90m)

Mushroom-Destroying angel

  • Flesh, grills, and stem white
  • Stem cylindrical or slightly smaller upward.
  • usually bulbous base in a white cup

Do not taste it, they are among the most toxic known mushrooms.


  1. Hello,
    First, I really like how you displayed your information, especially how you listed the characteristics of each organism below each picture and with bullet points because it was very clear. I also really liked how you included little facts for each organism.

  2. All of your pictures are stunning! I love how there are a few little mushrooms surrounding the Destroying Angel mushroom.


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