
I had never been to Carkeek park before going on Friday! I didn't end up finding the class (woops) but I did get to explore one of the trails which was really fun! Going out and being in nature, observing, and asking questions is such an important part of Western WA Ecology. This pictured here is a bald faced hornest nest, which was on one of the trees on the trail! It was actually active too which was scary but super neat to see. I learned on this trip that it is important to check Canvas to know where to go on the next field trip! Some questions I have are how does a wasps nest differ from a hornets nest? And, what kind of beetle did I observe on the trail?


  1. Wow, that is a very cool and a bit scary photo you captured! My first thought was I need to go back and try to see the nest. :)

  2. Woah cool! Nice find! I'm sure some people have tried poking the nest with a stick. I wonder if there's a bigger nest hiding somewhere at Carkeek.

  3. That is so cool. I have never seen this nest before. I'm curious about the other side of the nest.

  4. The fact that you got close enough to take the picture is impressive enough, but also knowing what type of hornet is really cool! I've never really considered hornets having different species and just always called them hornets. This class is starting to help me see that there is more to our world than I've known.

  5. Sorry we missed you! Cool nest! You probably saw ground beetles on the trail (aka Carabid beetles)- they are very common.


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