CARKEEK Isa Whalen

Last week's field trip was the first time I have ever been to Carkeek Park. My experience went pretty well considering the light rain fall. I do think that Carkeek has many organisms and plants that are helpful when learning about Western Washington ecology. The most interesting thing I saw on this field trip was the beetle that Ms.Shlichta had captured in the miniature container. The most interesting thing I learned was how the logs in the streams help slow down the speed of the water, which make traveling for salmon easier. When we had talked about the chemicals in sunscreen that gets into water and affects the organisms, it opened my understanding on how chemicals have influence on the economy as well. The two questions I have from the field trip are...
How do trains affect the plants surrounding the tracks?
Does the Venus Flytrap kill other organisms as a defense strategy or for their own nutritional purposes? 


  1. Similar to you it was also my first time at Carkeek Park. I will say that we did get pretty lucky with the rain, thankfully it only really rained in the begnning. I aslo think that is was a very good place to learn because of it't abundance of different organisms within the park. Lastly, when we talked about how the sunscreen pollutes the water that was something that I had never really thought about before and it was very surprisig to me.

    1. Me too! Learning about how sunscreen, shampoo affects the water was something I had never even thought about!

  2. I am glad you got a chance to see Carkeek Park - it's a little Seattle gem. It's particularly good for tide pooling too. Hope you get back there soon. :)


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