Introducing Me

Hey! My name is Isa Whalen. Besides the fact this class fit my schedule, I took this Western Washington Ecology course because I love the outdoors. Field experience is very intriguing, and it is easier for me to learn with hands on type of work. I would like to learn about specific plants that have medicinal and nutritional properties. I am a running start student from Meadowdale High School. I plan to study film production in California. I like seeing the Orca whales around our waters. My favorite location to visit is Edmonds Beach because of the beautiful sunsets and crabbing activities on the pier. I love soccer! I play for the Guam Womens National Soccer Team. I am also a big music lover. I will listen to any genre, except heavy metal.


  1. That is so cool that you play for a national soccer team!! how long have you been playing soccer???

  2. Hello Isa I had fun at the field trip today. Are you interested in medicine as a career ?

  3. Man, seeing Old Trafford in person is a top spot on my bucket list.

  4. There's some good metal music out there... ;)


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